Register Now

Current Openings

Please contact me for information at (604) 537-2396 or

Feel free to call or email me to discuss rates and to make an appointment to look at my daycare.

Monthly fees include all sick days, statutory holidays, and vacation time, these are paid days. Fees are based on booked days not attendance. Refunds and credits will not be given for days where your child does not attend.

Registration Fee

For first time applicants, there is a $100 non-refundable registration fee, upon acceptance of the child into the daycare. Please provide a separate cheque or cash payment for this. A receipt will be issued.

Get in touch!

We look forward to welcoming you to our daycare and caring for your child. We’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible, thank you.

If you prefer to contact us directly, feel free to call (604) 537-2396 or email